Use Primal Grasp to pull enemies into Impaling Blades' area-of-effect. Master Assassin (Level 4) Tychus. This shoul. Pulse Generator (Level 4) Tracer. Cannot use their Heroic Ability. Li-Ming is an aggressive ranged damage dealer. With good micro, she can very often win 1v2 or 2v3 fights. While inside, Kerrigan regenerates 5% of her maximum Health per second. This build has the major Power Spike at level 16, since Locust Brood will enable Abathur to push easily when enemies are not defending. Urticating Spines is a good Talent that deals a high amount of burst damage to enemy Heroes near Anub'arak when Harden Carapace gets used. Level 14 Talents for Chromie. Lt. The Locust Strain Build focuses on talents that produce and enhance Locusts. Counter-Strike is a good survibability option for him, however, Deadly Charge can. 5 seconds. Mana: 60. N/A. 0%) Once the Aspect of Wisdom, Malthael abandoned heaven after the Worldstone's destruction. It works. This Talent synergizes very well with Lunara's other Talents and should be picked in almost all cases. Hook is a Basic Ability that allows Stitches to briefly Stun and Displace towards him the first enemy hit from high distance. When I try the talent bot it's not listing 2 talents. Stores up to 4 charges. He also conditionally deals a fair amount of area of effect damage, however, most of his damage can be avoided by playing in a particularly defensive way. Life Tap combined with Drain Life allows Gul'dan to have some of the best overall self-sustain in the game, as he can very quickly rise back to full Health after. Damage. Since the majority of her Abilities have a very short range, Sonya players are reliant on their aptitude to position themselves properly so as to be able to both deal damage and survive. The first time an ally uses a Portal, they gain 30 Armor for 4 seconds, reducing their damage taken by 30%. Other builds are harder for enemies to deal with, and therefore are much more reliable. Passive: Increase Tychus's Attack Speed by 10%. To combat that, I have created , which is a single site that shows the top builds from GetBonkd, Heroesfire, and Hotslogs. Ritual of Life is a strong Talent that makes Life-Binder heal three times, effectively making Alexstrasza and another Hero in your team very hard to kill for 6 seconds. Damage. Advertisement CoinsDeath Wish is a good Talent that allows Garrosh to reset the cooldown of Warlord's Challenge after taking down an enemy Hero while also increasing the Taunt duration from 2 to 2. Blinding Light makes her exceptionally strong against melee Heroes who are reliant on Basic Attacks as a primary damage source. 1. This build path is mostly not recommended, but sometimes you will feel like that even with your Symbiote. I will be using both in the future. Additionally, the duration of incoming Stuns, Roots, and Slows, is reduced by 50%. Searing Light (Level 1) Auriel. Shatter (Level 20) Mei. Greed is the best pick when going for a siege type of build on Azmodan. As the HOTSlogs Twitter account pointed out, HOTSlogs has a new home. I nearly always play q-build. Garrosh's Bloodthirst Build gives him more survivability while also reducing the damage and healing done by enemy Heroes, allowing him to easily out-trade the enemy team. Support 1 Hero. Use HotsApi to upload your replays, and like the other guy said heroesprofile is probably the best alternative to Hotslogs. Emerging from Burrow grants Dehaka Stealth for 3 seconds and knocks nearby enemies back, dealing 125 (+4% per level) damage and Slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds. However, do we really need it? As far as I understand it, some kind of api is just around the. Zul'jin is countered by. Some say she's determined; others say she's obsessed. Why does the MM system in HL or wherever, place…% of HotSLogs' top 100 players not found in Blizz's Top 100 Players: 66% Average Difference in position for found players (absolute value): 21. Johanna is all about keeping your team alive while being a pain in the for the enemy team. Cooldown: 16 seconds. Atk Speed. gg has a much better UI and easier to read data. Healing Dart. I know many of us, including myself, have been eagerly awaiting more visibility into our HotS 'MMR' / 'League' / whatever their match making system uses, as well as other profile goodies such as match history and win / loss rate per hero. Cooldown: 6 seconds. Cooldown: 40 seconds. Cooldown: 70 seconds. Activate to make primary Basic Attacks bounce between nearby enemies up to 2 times. . 1. Falstad Fenix Gall Garrosh Gazlowe Genji Greymane Gul'dan Hanzo Hogger Illidan Imperius Jaina Johanna Junkrat Kael'thas Kel'Thuzad Kerrigan Kharazim Leoric Li Li Li-Ming Lt. Copy build to clipboard Talent calculator ». Since the majority of her Abilities are skillshots , Li-Ming is one of the most difficult Heroes to master. Atk Speed. Cooldown: 8 seconds. Switches Deathwing between Destroyer and World Breaker forms, each granting access to two unique Basic Abilities. UPDATE 7/5/17. . Further, it also focuses on. Wormhole's 1. I feel what Dva needs to round out her kit is some form of health regen. 5 and the damage of Vile Gas by 2%, stacking up to 100 times. Hello there I'm Bebhead, as of writing this guide I'm rank 1 on HotS and am currently among the top players on the hero league ladder with an MMR of 4. Magic Missiles is Li-Ming's bread and butter. Its like google+ and facebook. 9 out of 5. Some heroes are threatful not only because they can take you down, but because they can push lanes really hard if you do not gank them. 90. Gain an additional 25% damage bonus at maximum stacks. Slime. Pyroblast deals the most single-target damage of any Ability in the game. The duration is refreshed whenever an enemy is damaged by the primary Sand Blast. report (Link) and HotsLogs (Link) is around 40% with a win rate of about 45% over the past seven days. Atk Speed. Olaf. 5 seconds while Stealthed grants Invisible. And now the ARPG Vault has reached the 10,000 member milestone and is hosting a giveaway! Icy Veins Jul 02, 2023 at 12:29 by Staff. 5 seconds, cast a slow-moving fireball that deals 810 (+5% per level) damage to an enemy Hero and 405 (+5% per level) damage to enemies nearby. In the hand of experienced players, Muradin is good on Maps where he can use his innate resilience and mobility to harass enemy Heroes and enable plays for his entire team by aggressively but safely invading the enemy side of the Map during the early game (such as Hanamura Temple ). Lava Burst creates a Slowing area and Earth Shatter Stuns enemies in two lines. Deadly Calm (Level 20) Garrosh. Mage Armor (Level 4) Medivh. 3. Your data include "Date and Time" (played) in your game history and i find it problematic because it tells something about you. We also show current patch data by default, where as HotSlogs shows multiple patches. This means your profile can be accessed by anyone. This can occur once every 6 seconds against each enemy Hero, but is also refreshed when they are Slept by Night Rush. Suddenly hots is the most popular moba and development/support resumes. T. So id say our data is more valid. Crypto'Popular Build' win rates on Hotslogs have always been inflated some, because it counted games where only one team reached level 20. People blocked it and the owner sad he would fix it and build in some mild anti-adblock scripts. 1. More than you could possibly think. Jaina's Standard Build is a very versatile and useful Build path to take in every game. Cooldown: 6 seconds. (+ 4. Dash towards target point, dealing 119 (+4% per level) damage to enemies along the way. Builds & Guides Abilities & Talents. The synergy between Beacon of Light at Level 16 and Blessed Champion at Level 13 allows you to go from low to high Health with a single Holy Light cast and. Don't worry, loves. Optionally colors hero rows in tables by hero subrole - if that setting is set into options. (+ 4. While his methods are exact and severe, there is no greater defender of righteousness in the entirety of creation. Due to its fast speed and collisionless nature, it is the perfect tool with which to initiate fights, catch up to fleeing Heroes, or escape. It makes her Invulnerable, however, unlike Uther 's Divine Shield, Yrel remains targetable for the enemy team. Falstad Fenix Gall Garrosh Gazlowe Genji. The three Vikings that make up TLV are Olaf "The Stout", a tankier melee character, and Baleog "The Fierce" and Erik "The Swift" who both have ranged attacks. The additional survivability, especially while laning, comes from Sulfuras Hungers at Level 1 that, after. 67 per second. Anduin - Hail to the king, baby. 11 per second. While laning, her outstanding damage-over-time and self-sustain, most deriving from Blood Rage, allows her to soak Experience and pressure her opponents. Level 20. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes in Pilot Mode reduce the cooldown of Call Mech by 1 additional second. Order the Hyperion to make a strafing run for 12 seconds, hitting up to 4 enemies for 66 (+4% per level) damage every second. Cooldown: 45 seconds. (+ 0. Slime (Q) Murky. To much play her wrong: e-build as solosupport, agressive with q-build, bad w placing, or overall to agressive because "I only wanted to poke but accidently got cced and killed by their tank". Redemption significantly increases Hanzo's otherwise sluggish attack speed. . Abathur Alarak Alexstrasza Ana Anduin Anub'arak Artanis Arthas Auriel Azmodan Blaze Brightwing Cassia Chen Cho Chromie D. . Galloping Gait adds an incredible amount of mobility to Lunara's kit. At Lvl 20 I take Tal Rasha's Elements for some insane burst damage, you can upgrade. N/A. Lasts 10 seconds. The game will be accessible to new players with below bronze ai to play with/against. Crushing Jaws reduces the Armor of Heroes hit by 50 for 3 seconds. (+ 4. Healing Static is a good Talent that provides self-healing to Muradin, especially if he is surrounded by multiple enemy Heroes. She excels at creating chaos and disruption in the midst of the enemy team for extended periods of time while also peeling for her allies. 0. Mei's Cryo-Freeze Build is designed to increase her survivability and sustain damage via Basic Attacks. Incinerate damages enemies around Deathwing and Onslaught allows him to lunge at enemies. The combination of Dragon Soul at Level 1 and Heat Wave at Level 4 boost your damage and survivability during the early game and after. 83 per second. If you manage to control and position Misha effectively, this Ability allows you to Stun and. HOTS Logs. Dragon Soul is a good Talent that significantly increases Deathwing's self-healing when hitting enemy Heroes with either Incinerate in Destroyer Form or Lava Burst in World Breaker Form. Enemies hit by Lightning Fury or Fend are Slowed by 20% for 2 seconds. 2. Hotslogs-data is self-submitted data. Damage. Choose Your Hero. Level 4 Talents for Stukov. Righteous Assault is a good Talent that allows you to cast Sacred Sweep more often than usual. Hammer's primary goal is to inflict damage to whatever is in sight. and the old heroes classes (specialist and so on). At Lvl 10 take Disintegrate for poke and decent burst damage, take Wave of Force if you feel threatened by the enemy or they have an E. Now. Keep the bug reports coming. Reward: After gaining 40 Attack Damage, Thrall permanently gains. The duration is refreshed whenever an enemy is damaged by the primary Sand Blast. Clone target allied Hero and control it for 20 seconds. Dehaka is an aggressive Bruiser with a strong map presence. Mana: 50. Orb Li-Ming Top. 분석은 유저 리플레이 파일을 바탕으로 이루어진다. Death's Reach significantly improves Malthael's effective threat range, and is often picked alongside other Wraith Strike Talents. The burst damage comes from Blistering Attacks at Level 7, Giant Scorcher at Level 16, and Sulfuras Smash. The damage increase is primarily provided by Heat Transfer at Level 1,. Build a talent tree for Raynor that you can easily share with your friends. HotS logs. If at same level of skill, malthael counter garrosh. It seems so sketch. Deal 210 (+4% per level) damage to enemies who are already Slimed. 5 seconds. You should be taking Void Prison on Zeratul almost every game, but I see you only take it half the time. For the first second, Valeera is Unrevealable and can pass through other units. . There are a few really awesome build sites for HotS (GetBonkd, Heroesfire, and Hotslogs to name a few), but I found that finding a build quickly was often taking me a while. Raynor's Raider (Level 10) Raynor. Enemies close to Raynor are knocked back further. Johanna's Overview. 80046), HeroesProfile has logged data from 526,160 hero-picks. Mal'Ganis heals for 70 (+4% per level) when damaging a nearby enemy Hero. 00 per second. Whitemane is a Healer who can heal her allies with Zeal by damaging her enemies. Now, his infestation spreads within the Nexus. Heroes Profile, or HotSlogs So maybe this is our biased opinion, but we feel like Heroes Profile is the superior choice. 75 seconds. the best start. Until the community turned on him like wild dogs because some guys with a really seedy browsing history and rotten cookie jars blamed him for the ads they were getting. (+ 4. She is capable of trading damage favourably against most Heroes, and must do so in order to maximise her healing. Charges: 1. The Dragon's Breath build focuses on enhancing Chromie's Dragon's Breath ability. His lack of defensive Abilities and Talents and limited utility, however, may spell his. As a personal tracker tho, I think it is nicer looking and cleaner than hotslogs, although hotslogs still has more features and better data. 7. Pick this Talent in synergy with. One of the five Dragon Aspects and the leader of the Black Dragonflight, Neltharion the Earth-Warder was once a protector of Azeroth. Ana is a burst Healer who uses precise skillshots to heal allies and can deny enemy. GG & HotsLogs: Top Builds [WIP: A-M] by BattlePuppy. Thirsting Blade fulfils the. Hots draft tool, you can start a hots draft here, draft for heroes of the storm. 5% of Uther's maximum Mana. 2,148 likes. 00 per second. Only thing I’m left with is the amount of games gives our dataset more validity. Version 0. Murlocs deal 50% damage to Structures. Malfurion's Overview. Banelings Slow enemies by 25% for 2. Repeatable Quest: Every time an enemy Hero becomes Rooted, gain 14 Mana permanently. Malfurion is a ranged Healer that specialises in highly efficient healing-over-time and strong debuffs. Remaining stationary for at least 1. Cooldown: 90 seconds. Atk Speed. Apparently he worked for UPS or something before all this, and creating hotslogs gave him the opportunity to quit that and work full time on hotslogs. Pull the first enemy hit towards Stitches and deal 91 (+4% per level) damage. Falstad's Basic Attacks Build provides a fair amount of sustain damage on a single target thanks to multiple Talents that improve your damage via Basic Attacks: Frequent Flyer at Level 1, Secret Weapon at Level 7, and Sustained Winds at Level 13. Known Issues - Please send bug reports to [email protected] Dragon's Breath build focuses on enhancing Chromie's Dragon's Breath ability. 104. Samuro . Since they tend to play near each other, you will easily get. Stitches's Putrid Bile Build, other than using Hook to pull enemy Heroes from ranged distance, can also use Putrid Bile to Slow and damage them from melee distance. 120. Drag. . Report abuse. . Activate to heal 20% of Johanna's max Health over 5 seconds. 0%) Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. Hotslogs is by definition exploitable and any statistician worth its salt will tell you that you should be careful drawing conclusions based on data gathered this way. This can be used. Elune's Grace as an alternative to Rampant Growth at level 4 and Cleanse at level 7 if it is needed (picked around 25% of the time). Void Prison is one of the best teamfighting ults in the game, you should learn to use it effectively. I have always loved hotslogs, and my intention with this post is to simply spread awareness of how horrible their ads are so it can be fixed. gg has faster page load times. Zagara's Overview. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions. Surely its popularity has dropped a lot since the "ad problems", but the data should be okay to work with. Ana increases her healing by 25% for 4 seconds and heals the hit Allied Heroes for 152 Health. Passive: Hitting an enemy Hero with Snipe permanently increases the damage of Snipe by 6%, stacking up to 30%. Further, it also focuses on. The more damage she absorbs while Ardent Defender is active, the more healing she receives. Hero. Icefury Wand is an excellent Talent to apply constant. 5 seconds and each Hero hit by Spirit of Vengeance reduces the cooldown of Umbral Bind by 1 second. Lasts 10 seconds. Force Wall is an interesting ability. I tried whitelisting hotslogs and was so turned off by the ridiculous amount of ads vomiting on my screen that I instantly turned ABP back on. The Ability's extremely short Cooldown, insignificant Mana cost and long range means. After the first 75 or so games, my MMR changes (both positive and negative) started to get smaller (+30 instead of +130 for example). Deal 92 (+4% per level) damage per second and Slow enemies by 20% in an area. Heroes hit by Decimate deal 40% less damage for 3 seconds. I always kept using it though because I preferred the interface over heroesprofile bloated one. The combination of Shield Battery at Level 4 and Force of Will at Level 16 makes Artanis hard to take down. hotslogs switched to a bad advertisement network and served malware and ads with sounds. Va's Mech with a small. Qhira is usually played as a Melee Assassin in the 4-man capable to gank or as an Offlaner. Farewell Heroes of the Storm. Activate Dread Orb before the second bounce ends to reverse the direction of the third bounce. He made a plea to everyone that everything will be perfect in the future. So id say our data is more valid. does not impact Heroes with full Health. Abathur. . He soon learned that peace must be fought for, even in the Nexus. A Raven. Cleave. I'm actually going to pay the 10$ as that's a better way to do it IMO but, you might want to rethink just how many ads are on any one given page. Leeching Rounds (Level 4) Tracer. 261. Falstad Fenix Gall Garrosh Gazlowe Genji Greymane Gul'dan Hanzo Hogger Illidan Imperius Jaina Johanna Junkrat Kael'thas Kel'Thuzad Kerrigan Kharazim Leoric Li Li Li. net" and go to the right-most column. Passive: Reduce the cooldown of Burrow by 3 seconds. Sweeping Strike (W) Illidan. Atk Speed. This unique Hero possesses the ability to replenish Mana using Life Tap at the cost of his own Health. That said, Varian is far from being a good Tank for peeling multiple threats. One of the five Dragon Aspects and the leader of the Black Dragonflight, Neltharion the Earth-Warder was once a protector of Azeroth. Maiev is an exceptionally resilient Assassin who excels at initiating and generally punishing mispositioned opponents. Ritual of Life (Level 20) Alexstrasza. Dennis_enzo 2 mo. Every Talent at Level 7 is excellent in its niche. 11 per second. blizzard is not that retarded. Hero. He combines plain abilities with simple mechanics, however, he requires good positioning and map awareness in order to unfold his true strength. I have overall 68%WR with her in mostly UD and often as solosupport. Increase the healing from Basic Attacks by up to 200%, based on the amount of health Tracer is missing. Damage. Brightwing's Teleport Build focuses on providing great global mobility, which becomes particularly useful on larger Maps like Cursed Hollow, Garden of Terror, or the medium-sized Infernal Shrines. . C. Greymane's Overview. Threats info comes from HotsLogs matchups and my personal experience. Old meta works fine, new meta is just higher win rate because of some buffed talents. Tyrande's Ranger Build is completely focused on maximizing her Sentinel 's power. After reaching level 13, Hook's range is increased by 40%. Dylanacessna • Artanis • 8 yr. Quest: Basic Attack enemies 75 times. E. Particle Accelerator (Level 7) Probius. They are really working on it hard and it is a really great tool imo. . When Ice Wall expires, trapped enemy Heroes hit take 210 (+4% per level) damage and have their Armor reduced by 25 for 5 seconds. Once picked, this Talent will show a mark on. Hero. Anub'arak is an aggressive anti-caster Tank. The build heavily relies on hitting enemy heroes in the center of your Dragon's Breath, therefore, having CC on your team and waiting for them to use their abilities will greatly improve. . 7% win rate, higher than Rehgar, Uther, Morales, Brightwing, Lucio, Auriel, or Kharazim. Show of Force enhances your burst damage, facilitating the kill on the displaced target. The survivability comes in the form of healing when hitting enemy Heroes with Bloodthirst empowered with multiple Talents, including Seasoned Soldier at Level 16 that. ago. Thanks to that, you will be able to disrupt enemy moves and peel for your team. Barbed Shot is commonly used with Windrunner to deliver several powerful Withering Fire salvos. (Level 4) Stukov. Zombie Wall (W) Nazeebo. Lasts for 12 seconds. After Level 13, Sentinel can be used either to peel teammates, to engage enemies, or to Slow. When Ana got her buff. 6% and 53. Suddenly with the new ai friends to play with many people will start 5 stacking and queue times will plummet. . Zagara is a Ranged Assassin who relies on Zerg summons to wreak havoc on her opponents. Frostwolf Resilience provides Thrall with a solid amount of sustain, a characteristic that is important to have on an Offlaner. Copy build to clipboard Talent calculator ». Select Olaf () The Lost Vikings. Genji is currently the most popular Assassin since HGC 2018 Western and Eastern clash (Link). Ultimate Evolution is a fantastic and versatile Heroic ability. Old Meta [T2322312,Qhira] New Meta [T2121111,Qhira] As always she has situational talents. Cannot use their Heroic Ability. This build has a smaller potential for making plays, and enables an easier and more defensive Lúcio playstyle. 0%) Maiev Shadowsong stood watch over the imprisoned Betrayer for ten thousand years, and hunted him relentlessly after he was released. However, Dva needs some sort of incentive for keeping her mech alive. Wormhole competes with Seeker in the Dark as two of Zeratul's most important Talents. HOTSlogs was the best but the previous owners killed the site for a while and heroes profile filled the void and improved from there. 10 votes, 53 comments. The extra Armor and healing from Patchwork Creation at Level 1 is great for suriving longer while creating space for your team. After reaching the maximum bonus, the Spell Power is increased by an additional 30%. After 1 second, create a ring of Zombies surrounding the target area that deal 28 (+4% per level) damage and last for 3 seconds. Deals 50% damage to Structures. 5k on hotslogs. Successfully sticking a Pulse Bomb to an enemy Hero heals Tracer for 18% of her maximum Health over 1. Welcome to our Talents page for Ana. This enables Raynor to use it both defensively and offensively. This build also greatly increases Tyrael's ways of supporting the team. As a member of South Korea's elite MEKA unit, she fights to protect her homeland from the colossal omnic threat lurking within the East China Sea. 145. ︎. Uther's Holy Light Build gives a considerable boost to your healing power and survivability in the late game in the form of sustain healing for your teammates and burst healing for yourself. After 0. Hammer of the Lightbringer is a strong Quest-based Talent that can punish melee Heroes. Always follow Polymorph with it; the slow can guarantee the hit. Chrysalis (Level 13) Kerrigan. Leap is clearly better at enabling you to burst squishies during an explosive teamfight. Cooldown: 60 seconds. T. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1,204 votes and 670 comments Level 7 Talents for Blaze. Genji's popularity on the HotS ladder based on Heroes. Deep Roots is a weak Talent that makes Entangling Roots significantly more difficult to avoid. It is good against many marksmen, while Fear the Reaper is better to kite Melee Heroes. Every Talent at Level 7 is excellent in its niche. HotsLogs is one of my favorite websites and I spend a lot of time on this sub so I just merged things together, trying to create something useful and also promote HotsLogs to people that are not aware it exists. Mal'Ganis's Overview. Together We Are Strong (Level 1) Zarya. Business, Economics, and Finance. 0. Snipe (Q) Nova. Deal 205 (+4% per level) damage, knock back, and Slow enemies in a line by 20% for 2 seconds. 블리자드 엔터테인먼트 사의 AOS 게임 히어로즈 오브 더 스톰 의 유저 전적을 분석하고 통계를 산출하는 사이트. Mana: 20. Chen's Flying Kick Build is designed to keep your damage high when you cannot rely on Basic Attacks that much, either because you are countered by enemy Heroes or because team fights will be relatively short. In fights, always use Impaling Blades and Primal Grasp together. 하츠로그 [HOTS LOGS] 나의 히오스 MMR을 알수있다 여기서MMR은 하츠로그사이트에서 가상으로 만든것. 11. Over the last 7 days, HotsLogs has logged data from 68,573 hero-picks and 42,431 hero-bans. It's only in lower leagues that her performance looked particularly bad. He has been betrayed, shot into space, resurrected and infested, almost cured, and then experimented upon as the infestation returned. . This is behavior goes beyond impolite and is probably malicious. An extension of Currently just adds wins/losses into "Games Played" cells, for convenience. Reward: After getting 15 Takedowns, Tychus's Attack Speed is increased by an additional 15%.